History of Stapenhill by postcards

History of Stapenhill by postcards

Old Stapenhill Postcards

The Parish of Stapenhill was often portrayed in old postcards, especially Stapenhill Gardens.  We are indebted to Councillor Ian Gibson for permission to display the following views of Stapenhill and Stapenhill Gardens.

Old Postcard showing Main Street StapenhillOld postcard showing Ferry Bridge Stapenhill



Old postcard showing Stapenhill Pleasure GroundsOld postcard showing Stapenhill Church




Old postcard showing Stapenhill ChurchOld postcard showing Stapenhill Gardens




Old postcard showing The Steps Burton Recreation GroundsOld postcard showing Stapenhill Ferry Bridge



Old postcard showing Stapenhill GardensOld postcard showing Stapenhill Recreation Grounds



Old postcard showing Stapenhill ChurchOld postcard showing New Bridge Stapenhill Recreation Grounds and the church




Old postcard showing Ferry Bridge StapenhillOld postcard showing River Trent and Stapenhill Gardens



Old postcard showing The Old Tree Stapenhill